Thursday 28 October 2010

The end of the road for I Heart Tunbridge Wells

I have come to the decision to hang up my newly acquired bloggers boots and end ihearttunbridgewells. Grappling with two children under the ages of two every day leaves me with precious little time that the time I do have needs to be better spent. Writing about Tunbridge Wells and what I brought isn't going to get me a book deal or my screenplays sold.

What I have discovered is that are some fantastic blogs out there, blogs that are eloquent, funny, inspirational and it has made me realize that if I am to do to this properly then my blog has to be relevant to what I am trying to accomplish.

So for now I say thank you and to paraphrase Arnie, "I'll be back". (I know, hardly original but it works.)

Signing off,



  1. very sad! i hope you make the most of your time =) come say hello if you ever come back!

  2. Oh no. That's sad, really. I liked your blog. Please do pop in and let me know when you come back! Deborah x
