Tuesday 20 July 2010

Show Time

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art." (Oscar Wilde)

Let me first state for the record - I love fashion. ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. OBSESSED WITH IT EVEN. My friends would say I am on a one woman mission to keep the economy alive. Truth is, I can't indulge in it with the same wild abandonment that I did pre-babies. I have to show a certain amount of self-control hence why I love a good Sale. There's nothing better than feeling like you've bagged a bargain, which brings me nicely to NET-A-PORTER. I used to love nothing better than sifting through rails and rails of clothes but anyone with young children knows how difficult this is, which is why having Net-a-porter in my life is so important. As soon as my daughter is tucked up asleep I kick back on the Chesterfield, laptop on knees, scrolling through the site to my heart content. No disruption, just me and a season's worth of fashion to get through.

The woman behind Net-a-porter and Outnet.com, Natalie Massenet.

For nine months I haven't been in the mood to shop. It's true. Not even Net-a-porter could tempt me mind you they don't have a maternity range (hmm perhaps if they had I'd be singing a different tune) instead I made do with the maternity clothes from my first pregnancy. But as soon as I gave birth it was like a switch had been flicked and then a Net-A-Porter email popped up in my inbox reminding me that their Sales had begun and there I was three days after giving birth, Hunter snoozing in his moses basket and me, stretched out on the Chesterfield, laptop on lap fizzing with anticipation. After months of swollen hands and feet, sickness, tiredness, and now sporting a body that is in need of a good workout (all in good time) not to mention the months ahead of me, the round the clock feeding, the sleepless nights, the leaky boobs, feeling tearful I feel I deserve a treat or two.

1. ChloĆ©'s navy toweling harem pants. Was £194.13 Now £58.24..
2. Steven Alan's navy cotton blazer. Was £270.76 Now £115.22.
3. Stella McCartney's chunky brass bracelet with off-white enamel chain links. Was £185 Now £129.50.
4. Roberto Cavalli's gold-plated charm bracelet. Was £170 Now £68

I am nurturing a passion for design jewellery I brought a Stella McCartney L.O.V.E. bangle from Liberty months ago (OK I lied, I did happen to make one purchase during my pregnancy, just the one) and I am thrilled to discover that I can now wear it again. My hands have deflated (woohoo!)

1. Armand Basi lavender Tris gingham cotton blouse £32.77
2. See by Chloe - puff-sleeve navy cotton blouse £29.36

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