Sunday 1 August 2010

My favorite book store in Tunbridge Wells.

32-40 Calverley Road, 01892 535 446

For the simple reason it sells books. These days I tend to spend most of my time on the first floor selecting baby books. Pre-babies I was however, a voracious reader, flying through two or three books a week. Public transport was always a great excuse to escape into a fantasy world or sitting by a pool was another favourite reading place of mine. But life is very much different now. Rarely have I time to read. My husband on the other hand is whizzing through a pile of books on Sartre and Nietzche, it all seems incredibly clever and intelligent and I really should set some time aside... He's also downloaded loads of podcasts of Daniel Coffeen's lectures on Rhetoric at UC Berkeley insisting I should listen to them - but WHEN? WHEN I ASK YOU!!! I do have a valid excuse, I have been writing. Two completed manuscripts and two screenplays down I now have the arduous task of finding an agent.

"HATTORI HACHI: STALKING THE ENEMY" by Jane Prowse. Brought this from Waterstone's today and I'm determined to read it by the end of this month. Her debut "HATTORI HACHI: THE REVENGE OF PRAYING MANTIS" was one of only two books I managed to read last year. Jane is a friend so I was keen to read it and I wasn't disappointed. It's a fantastic action/adventure book with a fifteen-year-old female lead. How often do you get a strong female lead in young books? Hattori Hachi reminds me of Hit Girl in the brilliant film "KICK-ASS" although minus the C-words.

Check out this review.

"ME CHEETA: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY" by James Lever was the other book I read last year and I can highly recommend it. Remember the chimp from the Tarzan pics well it's his memoirs and it is genius. Very funny and very entertaining.

This year, there's just one book, although can't quite call it a read as such but brilliant all the same. and "THIS LITTLE PIGGY WENT TO PRADA: NURSERY RHYMES FOR THE BLAHNIK BRIGADE" by Amy Allen. It was a gift from a friend who knows me only too well. It's all very tongue-in-cheek, incredibly witty and beautifully illustrated. The book is made up of the old nursery classics but with a spin for the fashion-loving mum and if that wasn't enough at the end of the book it has a section with the original nursery rhymes. Great present idea.

This little piggy went to Prada
This little piggy went to Cannes
This little piggy went to Nobu
And this little piggy, Hakkasan
And this little piggy went "Wee wee wee wee!"
All the way home because she had a fat bottom!

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