Monday 6 September 2010


It must be the geek in me but I love cardigans. I'm particularly fond of my khaki-green DKNY over-sized cardigan, which I've been wearing to death. When my husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I told him a Markus Lupfer cardigan he wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea, considering it a little dull for a birthday present. Wouldn't I much rather a piece of jewelry? But I wasn't about to be deterred and I did point out that it has 'Foxy' embellished on the front and you think I'm foxy, right? As for the leopard print cardigan, I saw this and thought it would be perfect to team with my new Sass & Bide liquid leggings and a t-shirt. My parents were kind enough to indulge me.

1. Net-a-porter, Markus Lupfer Foxy Linda charcoal merino wool cardigan
2. Net-a-porter, A.P.C, red and brown Leopard-print cardigan

Not to miss out my daughter has two new cardigans to add to her wardrobe and it isn't even her birthday! My parent's returned from their annual visit to Copenhagen with a beautiful Phister & Philina grey cardigan. I love the fluorescent pink buttons and the ruffle sleeves. The pink cardigan by Frugi is something I picked up from a recently opened new shop called Organ-nics in Tunbridge Wells (12 Ely Court, Royal Victoria Place.). I only had a quick browse but could instantly see that it was a shop after my own heart.

3. Phister & Phister grey cardigan.
4. Organ-nics, Frugi pink 100% organic cotton cardigan. £27.50

1 comment:

  1. the Phister and Phister one is so cute :) I also have cardigan current one is my big huge grey grandpa one :)
