Wednesday 22 September 2010

In Kotiki I ♥

Kotiki Interiors, 22-24 Grove Hill Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1RZ 01892 521369

Kotiki sells curtains, soft furnishing, glass and jewellery. We had Kotiki re-upholster our Victorian Ribbonback Ebay found chairs with Osborne and Little's Best in the Show and Lomond check fabric and a striking Zebra-print fabric. The lamp in the corner was another Ebay find. My husband paid £50 for it but failed to read it was pick up only from Bolton. Eight hours after leaving the house he returned with this sixties beauty.

Kotiki is an independent store in Tunbridge Wells and has been running for 43 years. This is impressive to say the least. I walk past this store most days and the days when my daughter isn't in her pushchair she will insist on putting money in the Guide Dogs box. This is fine with me because it gives me a chance to window shop. I love the Iittala birds, renowned worldwide for their colorful glass creations. The Sweet Liquorice Bird by Anu Penttinen is one of my favorites. I also have my eye on the Caithless glasswear, a steal at £75 each. I can think of a number of homes for it around the house. These are going on my Christmas list.

1. Caithless glass. £75 2. Sweet liquorice. £169.

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